What to look for in your wedding officiant
I have full confidence in you making the right choice for you!
Friendly Focused Flexible
Look for someone who is approachable. You want to be comfortable with them to feel like they are the right fit for you as a couple. But you also want to be confident that their interactions with your friends and family at your wedding will be a positive reflection of the quality of the wedding ceremony itself. Also a friendly Wedding Officiant is one who will be smiling in your wedding photos even if they’re in the background and you want that.
Of course you’re going to want somebody who’s organized. When you meet with the Officiant do they present themselves, their services and your options in an organized way? This will instill confidence that they know what they are doing. When you need to reach out to them you can be sure they’re going to be able to easily and quickly get back to you with the information or input you need.
“Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not get bent out of shape”! You want your Officiant to also be able to roll with the unexpected as it comes up. Do they make it easy for you to reschedule a meeting or phone call? You want to have some assurance your Officiant will adapt to the unforeseen things that can and will happen. Not to mention the unexpected in the midst of your ceremony! A flexible Officiant will think on their feet and work it into the ceremony seamlessly or as a light hearted aside, but not a distraction.
I’ll give just one example. The groom forgot to get the sand for the Sand Unity Ceremony. So, he ran out and bought a bag of brown and a bag of white sugar. On this humid summer evening during their outdoor ceremony the sugar started to stick the moment they attempted to pour it into the beautiful hourglass vessel. After completing my inspirational commentary, they were still struggling to get the sugar into the hourglass. I talked about the unexpected challenges that life holds for a couples and the response as exemplified by this couple persisting no matter what!